Nelson College For Girls Nelson College For Girls

Level 2 French

Course Description Entry Requirements

A minimum of 12 credits in 11FRE.

Year 12 French

In this course students are expected to seek and communicate information through increasingly complex texts. They will explore and express other people’s opinions. The topics studied will be negotiated. Students continue to widen their understanding of French culture and start contrasting it with their own. All internal assessments require a focus on forms and are submitted through e-portfolio. Self-management and use of technology is a must.

Course Overview

Term 1
-Unité 1 - Révisions
-Unité 2 - Les nouvelles technologies
-Unité 3 - Le bien-être

-AS 2.1 – Practice listening
-AS 2.3 – Interaction
-AS 2.5 – Writing

Term 2
-Unité 3 - La jeunesse
-Unité 3.2 - Les relations personelles
-Unité 4 - Etude d’un film

-AS 2.1 – Practice listening
-AS 2.2 - Presentation or AS 2.5 – Writing
-AS 2.3 – Interaction
-AS 2.4 – Practice reading

Term 3
-Unité 5 - L’avenir
-Unité 6 - La Francophonie

-AS 2.1 – Practice listening
-AS 2.3 – Interaction
-AS 2.4 – Practice reading
-AS 2.5 – Writing

Term 4
-Revisions and exam practices

Learning Areas:



Level 3 French

Contributions and Equipment

$25.00 – Language Perfect subscription (optional but recommended).


Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.