Nelson College For Girls Nelson College For Girls

Level 2 Mathematics with Algebra

Course Description

Contact Person: G. Holas-Clark.

Entry Requirements

10 credits in 11MAA (including AS1.2 or AS1.4) and/or Teacher recommendation.

This course requires a good grounding in Algebra skills from 11MAA and develops these in a course primarily focused on Algebra and Calculus but also containing some Probability. 

This course is primarily externally assessed with three exams (Algebra, Calculus and Probability Methods) at the end of the year and two internals.

This course leads into both Year 13 Calculus and Year 13 Statistics and should be selected by students who want to keep their options open or students wanting to go into mathematical fields such as Finance, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Computer Science etc.

Learning Areas:



Level 3 Calculus, Level 3 Statistics

Career Pathways

Mining Engineer, Actuary, Air Traffic Controller, Anaesthetist, Business Analyst, Software Developer, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Electronics Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Naval Architect, Mechanical Engineer, Physician, Surgeon, Urban/Regional Planner, Meteorologist, Psychologist, Forensic Scientist, Environmental Scientist, Economist, Energy/Carbon Auditor, Veterinarian, Market Research Analyst, Survey Interviewer, Secondary School Teacher, Valuer, Test Analyst, Network Administrator, Geospatial Specialist, Security Analyst, Data Analyst

					Contributions and Equipment

Workbooks recommended
Graphics Calculator Recommended


Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.