Nelson College For Girls Nelson College For Girls

Level 3 Statistics

Course Description

Contact Person: G. Holas-Clark.

Entry Requirements

12MAX: 14 credits from 12MAX

12MAT: 14 credits from 12MAT including M2.9 Inference

Students not meeting these requirements may be admitted at the discretion of the Head of Mathematics.

This is a course in Mathematics that is best suited to students interested in the quantitative aspects of the biological and social sciences, medicine, business administration, and any field where the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data is important.

Learning Areas:


Career Pathways

Mining Engineer, Actuary, Air Traffic Controller, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Software Developer, Statistician, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Bank Worker, Physician, Surgeon, Urban/Regional Planner, Meteorologist, Clinical Coder, Information Technology Helpdesk/Support Technician, Technical Writer, Corrections Officer, Dietitian, Forensic Scientist, Environmental Scientist, Economist, Environmental/Public Health Officer, Veterinarian, Market Research Analyst, Policy Analyst, Secondary School Teacher, Telemarketer, Intelligence Officer, Test Analyst, Network Administrator, Case Manager, Data Analyst

					Contributions and Equipment

Workbooks recommended
Walker Maths
3.8 Time Series Data
3.9 Bivariate Data
3.10 Statistical Inference
3.13 Probability Methods
3.14 Probability Distributions


Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.