Contact Person: R. de Smit-Tobin.
Year 12 Classical Studies
Classical Studies acknowledges the influences of the Greeks and Romans in the formation of ideas, and in doing so, helps the student to better understand the present. Skills developed include research/ inquiry and interpretation of primary evidence. Contexts may include: Greek Mythology; Homer – The Odyssey; Greek Tragedy – Sophocles’ Antigone; Greek Vase Painting; Greek Sculpture; Athenian social life and customs.
A high level of literacy is needed for this course.
Literacy Rich, Social Sciences
Architectural Technician, Archivist, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Historian, Artistic Director, Barrister, Minister of Religion, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Civil Engineer, Psychologist, Journalist, Legal Executive, Editor, Solicitor, Curator, Human Resources Adviser, Primary School Teacher, Librarian, Survey Interviewer, Physiotherapist, Tertiary Lecturer, Project Manager, Secondary School Teacher, Psychotherapist, Case Manager
Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.