Level 2 Drama
Course Description
Contact Person: R. Craw.
Year 12 Drama
This course is for students with proven group skills who are serious about developing their performance skills. They will extend their vocal communication, movement and characterisation, explore new drama theories and styles and learn to structure ideas to create original performances. This includes written work, after school rehearsals, an evening performance and at least one theatre trip.
The programme of NCEA Standards is selected from the list below to suit the particular class group of students. Each student will have the opportunity to gain 18 credits.

Course Overview
Term 1
Theatre form from a selection of feminist political theatre. Elizabethan, Aotearoa New Zealand theatre, absurdist theatre.
Term 2
Class production
Term 3
Devised drama
Term 4
External based on the theatre form
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 10 credits in 11DRA
Contributions and Equipment
Estimated costs of theatre trips: $50.00
Assessment Information
All internal tasks are based on a practical performance to an audience of peers or an outside audience.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Drama 2.2 - Devise and perform a drama to realise an intention
Drama 2.3 - Discuss a drama or theatre form or period with reference to a text
Drama 2.4 - Use complex performance skills associated with a drama or theatre form or period
Drama 2.6 - Perform a substantial acting role in a scripted production
Pathway Tags
Diversional Therapist, Actor, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Dancer, Entertainer, Film/Television Camera Operator, Make-up Artist, Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Radio Presenter, Early Childhood Teacher, Media Producer, Production Assistant (Film, Model, Nanny/Child Carer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Television Presenter, Lighting Technician, Drama Teacher,
Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.