Year 9 Social Studies & Aotearoa Histories

Course Description

Social Studies is the study of people in different times and places.  Students are encouraged to wonder and be curious about the diversity of people, places and society, and to take an interest and engage in current issues and big ideas.  Aotearoa Histories is an important part of Social Studies learning as we start with our place and its people before extending outwards.  Specific contexts will be decided on by each class within key themes for learning that explore the questions of ‘Ko wai koe?’ and ‘Ko wai tātou?’ (Who am I? Who are we?)  Inā kei te mōhio koe ko wai koe, i anga mai koe i hea, kei te mōhio koe kei te anga atu koe ki hea. If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going.



Courses are based on student choice, so some courses may not run.