Career Education

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The Career Guidance Team are available in the Careers Centre:

Robyn McLean - HOD Careers and Future Pathways

Alex Coombs-King - Gateway Coordinator and Trades Academy Coordinator

Debbie Heaphy - Careers and Gateway Administrator

Career Planning

Years 9 and 10 

During Arahi time students will be delivered a careers based programme. This will include advice around course selection and pathways to work and tertiary study.

All Year 9 students will participate in a programme called Financial Literacy and Pathways. This will include:

· personality testing

· researching a chosen career

· examining the journey of a good or service and the jobs or roles needed in its production

· exploring work opportunities in the Nelson/Tasman region

· Developing job interview skills

Year 11 

In addition to the careers program in Arahi time, a Careers programme is delivered via Year level assemblies to all students. This will enable students to make informed decisions about course selection and pathways beyond school.

Years 12 and 13 

In addition to the Careers programme in Arahi time, opportunities will be available for students to have a work placement, attend a STAR course, and have a ‘Student for a Day’ experience at NMIT. They will visit the Careers and Trades Roadshows and participate in other career related events outside of school and hear from visiting speakers about study and career options. Year 13 students will be provided with information regarding Halls of Residence and financial scholarships from the HOD – Careers and Future Pathways. Students can also have an individual career planning session with the HOD – Careers and Future Pathways. Some students may also choose to participate in Trades Academy or Gateway as one of their curriculum subjects.