Trades Academy & Gateway courses

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If you wish to study Trades or Gateway courses, make sure you collect an application form from the Careers Reception desk. You will go through an interview process for these subjects.  The deadline for Trades on-line application is 1st August - see Ms McLean. 

Trades Academy Trades Academy

Trades Academy offers a range of skills and qualifications. Trades is a vocational programme funded by the Ministry of Education that allows Year 12 and 13 students to choose a course of study where the learning is more hands-on and practical. Nelson College for Girls is a member of the ‘Top of the South Trades Academy’ which currently has two providers offering learning opportunities: NMIT and Whenua Iti Outdoors. 

Trades students attend their Trades course one day a week for the whole day at NMIT or block courses at Whenua Iti Outdoors. The courses currently on offer are:

  • Adventure Tourism Leadership - Year 12 (Level 2) and Year 13 (Level 3)
  • A.I Course - Year 12 (Level 2)
  • Art & Design Digital Technology - 2D or 3D  - Year 12 (Level 2) 
  • Aquaculture and Marine - Year 12 ( Level 2)
  • Automotive and Mechanical - Year 12 (Level 2) and Year 13 (Level 3)
  • Beauty - Year 12  (Level 2)
  • Carpentry - Year 12 (Level 2) 
  • Electrical - Year 12 (Level 2)
  • Emergency & Response - Year 12 (Level 2) 
  • Environmental Sustainability - Year 13 ( Level 3)
  • Hairdressing - Year 12 ( Level 2)
  • Hospitality - Year 12 (Level 2) 
  • Joinery - Year 12 ( Level 2)
  • Manaaki Tapoi - Year 12 (Level 2) and Year 13 (Level 3) 
  • Sport and Exercise - Year 12 (Level 2)
  • Tourism Operations – Year 13 (Level 3)

Trades Academy qualifications contribute towards NCEA Level 2 and 3.


Gateway is an optional subject offered to Year 12 and 13 students. This is a Tertiary Education Commission funded programme designed to support students transitioning from school into Tertiary study or employment. Students partake in a work experience practicum and complete a classroom learning programme that is directly related to their work placement industry.  

A number of compulsory courses such as First Aid, Workplace Health and Safety, and Self Defense are offered.

Some previous examples of work experience placements include: 

Accounting, Hospitality, Tourism, Sports Training and Development, Forestry, Health Studies, Automotive, Animal Care and Vet Science, Retail, Equine, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hairdressing and Beauty, Optometry, Cooking, Baking, Youth Aid, Event Management, Nursing, Mental Health, Dentistry, Midwifery and many more.